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Written by: Magazine Team on November 18, 2020.

Budgies and their mating season

Budgies and their mating season. We got a experience. This is something we will not forget and we are now sharing it through this article.

We have been following some budgies hoping to see something unusual. Actually the goal has been to see how they mate and what happens with their eggs if they get any.

Our project started during the spring and summer 2020. We observed male and female birds on the balcony. They were happy, flying around and playing with each other. They also searched for some good place for creating a nest. They were trying to create bigger holes if they found some on the walls or somewhere else on the balcony.

Their playful relation made us understand what was going on. In autumn we put a bird house in the cage and it was a perfect place for our female. During October she was laying eggs and was taking care of them. Also males wanted to help. Since three males were interested in same female, all of them felt involved.

But budgies did not really enjoy this period. Male birds were fighting much. In the air they attacked each other and they had many wounds with much blood. It was not so nice to see that fighting process. But it was not going on for very long time. Luckily the birds became calm.

Budgies and their mating season - It was a very sad story. The eggs were empty. They did not succeed.

The outcome

The female got five eggs in total and at the end she threw them out from the bird house, from her nest. It was a very sad story. We were curious and wanted to see eggs turn into small baby birds. At least one of them. But the eggs were empty. They did not succeed. We got at least the experience. That is something we will not forget and we are now sharing it through this article.

The budgies also experienced something natural in their life. They understood what was happening and they were all involved. The female took care of the eggs. One male was mostly with her while two others listened on their instincts and tried to fight. They all spilled blood and the strongest and bravest male won.

Unfortunately their destiny was not as expected since the eggs were empty. But that does not mean that they will not succeed next time. The whole situation maybe is caused by human factor since the involved humans did not have right experience and therefore they maybe contributed to this unsuccessful outcome.

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