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Written by: Magazine Team on November 24, 2020.

The comfort that kills us

The comfort that kills us. If we are passive longer part of a day for a long period we maybe can notice how our condition deteriorates.

In this magazine we have written a number of articles about training as lifestyle. We have described some ways of training and we have explained how it can affect our wellness. Nothing was made up.

What is opposite to training? Passivity. Physical inactivity. If we are passive longer part of a day for a long period we maybe can notice how our condition deteriorates.

What can contribute to our passivity? We have two following examples of what can cause the passivity: laziness and working from home. This last mentioned is something very often considered as a comfort that not many people can indulge themselves.

Laziness should be something to be ashamed of. It can seriously harm our health. Even though it sometimes can be caused by mental fatigue and lack of inspiration or stimulation it is something we must get rid of.

Working from home can be dangerous for our health. The image is from pixabay.com.

The danger

Working from home and enjoy that comfort has positive moments but it is dangerous especially if our work is connected to sitting with a computer in 8 hours. We save time and we avoid stress that we normally experience on the way to our office but our body loses its daily dose of movements. It simply falls down in to a very passive state which leads to losing right physical condition. We can feel that we are not strong enough any more because our body does not get enough training.

If we do not plan our day properly and try to give the body its daily dose of movements we can harm our health. Planning the day on that way can be difficult even though we have time enough. It is so because priority can go in different direction especially if we plan the day together with family because we do not want to be experienced as selfish.

So, having a comfortable life is not always that perfect. Even if it sounds as something that many people only can dream about it can be something that kills us. Comfort is good only if we can control it and it does not control us.

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