10 articles left until a big milestone
10 articles left until a big milestone. Do you have any idea what milestone we are talking about? As our reader or follower, you maybe know.
As our reader, you probably have noticed that something[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

Moonfall movie - Sci-Fi or exaggeration?
Moonfall movie - Sci-Fi or exaggeration? The realistic movies can be great, but on the other side we have those that can be bad and boring.
Where do limits of a good Sci-Fi movie go? That question[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

The annual look back 2024 - what was published?
The annual look back 2024 - what was published? Every year we really try to write about something new. Let's see some details from this year.
No articles about marathons and no articles about ski[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

20 articles left and now December
20 articles left and now December with Christmas and New Year's Eve. Are our feelings in December connected to our flowing vital energy?
What does this month give us? How can December surprise us?[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

Humongous - a movie from 1982
Humongous - a movie from 1982. A group of young people on a boat and a negative tension between two persons close to an island.
Almost one year ago, we wrote and published an article about a movie[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

Endangered animals in movies
Endangered animals in movies. Inspired by an online article about the movie called Sous la Seine - Under Paris. Is an animal a real danger?
People love horror movies. People love tension and actio[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

40 articles left until…but first a break
40 articles left until…but first a break. Let us write, publish and love every written word, but try also to inspire us by reading.
Our magazine is a place where you can read independent article[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

Happy Death Day
Happy Death Day. What would you do if you noticed that your day repeats over and over again? Would it be nice or boring or maybe inspiring?
Similarities between some movies are not always visible,[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

Lili Elbe - The Danish Girl movie
Lili Elbe - The Danish Girl movie. Gerda and Einar created a new person who partly was a part of their relationship on daily basis.
It is time for a movie again. In the beginning of 2024 we someho[...]
Written by: Magazine Team

Podcasts and online articles
Podcasts and online articles. Let us try to clarify the difference between those two. Let's read about it.
Reading or listening, what do you prefer? This article is meant to be just a short analys[...]
Written by: Magazine Team