Justfindit.se Magazine

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Internet Websites 
Posted on February 11, 2025.
A satisfied website owner
A satisfied website owner. Can you manage being it yourself or do you need a developer or web designer for taking care if it? Who are you? Do you own a website or are you thinking about having one[...]
Written by: IT Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on May 11, 2023.
Varnish cache and your website
Varnish cache and your website - enjoy it or hate it. It is up to you but let us read about it and see what it is. We are pretty sure that you do not like slow websites. You maybe even hate them. [...]
Written by: IT Team
Justfindit.se Internet IT Websites 
Posted on December 12, 2022.
New look but same magazine!
New look but same magazine! In November 2022 we made a change. It should be visible but we will present it here for you. Have you been following us through all years? Maybe you can remember our fi[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on May 28, 2022.
Hotmail changes - a disappointment
Hotmail changes - a disappointment. As a professional email service provider Hotmail should have been thinking about this. Let us take a look at the change. During this relatively short time all H[...]
Written by: IT Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on February 4, 2022.
Websites and our identity
Websites and our identity. What method is a good way of creating a website very fast? What is it that can hide our identity? Have you ever thought about that? In a world where everything develo[...]
Written by: IT Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on December 18, 2020.
Websites, developers and users
Websites, developers and users. Regardless of if we use WordPress or other CMS or if we program on our own we have many new possibilities comparing to before. In modern time we can see how web dev[...]
Written by: IT Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on May 28, 2020.
JavaScript - explore your curiosity
JavaScript - explore your curiosity. How do we use the JavaScript and why? Nowadays many web developers use different JavaScript frameworks and many also program on their own. The script has alway[...]
Written by: IT Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on April 29, 2019.
Begacom IT Business - Let’s get inspired!
Begacom IT Business - Let’s get inspired! It is important to us to develop a relation that can lead us to other opportunities at the same time as we create great satisfaction from all points of [...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Internet IT Technology Websites 
Posted on November 9, 2018.
Updating PHP from 5.6 to 7.2
Updating PHP from 5.6 to 7.2. Here below you can see some known details that can cause problems when you change to PHP 7.2 from some older version like 5.6. As soon as people hear words like chan[...]
Written by: IT Team
Internet IT Websites 
Posted on October 3, 2017.
Swedbank and new website
Swedbank and new website: Three persons with different backgrounds in the IT world who have experienced this new user interface explain that the old version was much better, much easier to use.  All [...]
Written by: Magazine Team
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