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Written by: Magazine Team on March 22, 2016.

Cocktails: Whiskey Ball that makes drinking better!

Having party? Drinks with the proper ice inside can look more professional that the drinks with the cracked ones. For best results, periodically wash the ice molds with a diluted solution of vinegar and water. Sometimes when we want to serve some drinks on the party we want to make it look elegant, or if we can call it even more professional. It does not have to be an important party but it can look nicer with the proper ice even when the party is the usual one.  The problem appears when the ice cubes or balls crack and shatter instead of popping right out of the tray. Cocktails:whiskeyBallDrink The Whiskey Ball for cocktails, ice teas, lemonade, sangria or pitchers -  you can kick up your presentation a notch! Good looking ice - Good drink? That is the full truth but depending on how you experience it the drink can look more fresh and better than the one with the cracked ice inside. How can we make it better, what methods can be used? There are many good explanations with different experiences and the one of them is the Whiskey Ball. Cocktails:whiskeyBallIce   Cocktails:creatingWhiskeyball Here we can see the ice ball in the spoon on its way down to the glass and it was created by filling the Whiskey Ball with the distilled water.     After some searches for cocktails at Justfindit.se we found some good information at the thewhiskeyball.com website that explains how we can make some good ice balls. Here is an example of tasty cocktail that you could try to make using the Whiskey Ball: Ice ball cocktail tools
  • The Original Whiskey Ball ice sphere mold
  • Large syringe with needle
  • Freezer
Cocktail ingredients (or your favorite cocktail)
  • 1 ½ oz grapefruit vodka
  • ¾ oz Aperol
  • 1 oz lemon Juice
  • 1 oz orange Juice
  • ½ oz honey Syrup
  • 1 orange peel twist for garnish
Cocktails:blogWhiskeyBall To release the cocktail in this fantastic presentation in the glass, just break the hollow ice sphere using a small hammer and enjoy. For best results also in the future use, periodically wash the ice molds with a diluted solution of vinegar and water.   (The sources of same parts of this content and the images are http://www.thewhiskeyball.com/tips.html and http://www.thewhiskeyball.com/blog/archives/01-2014)  

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