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Written by: Magazine Team on June 14, 2016.

Sex and evolution

Sex and evolution: With or without sex. What happens if you or your partner suddenly feel for some new adventure? The promiscuous females are rejected as a friend by another woman. Men with a high number of sexual partners are viewed with a sense of accomplishment. Men and women are born to live together and build up a relationship. In many cases both men and women have sex with different partners and their relationships can be long or short depending on how they grow up together. In these relationships both partners try to be the only one for each other. But what happens if one of them suddenly feel like some kind of threat to their relationship? What happens if one of them suddenly feel for some new adventure? Normally both men and women want to protect their relationship but as it looks like they do not act similarly. With or without sex. Whatever you choose looks like it can affect your wellness negatively. Too much sex can even be your own enemy according to some studies done.  Reading an article at the Danish part of MSN we can see that women who have many sexual partners are disliked by other women. That article refers to an article at www.dailymail.co.uk that also shows us that men who are sexually voracious are less likely to be judged by their peers. As it is written in that article "men with a high number of sexual partners are viewed with a sense of accomplishment". sex and evolution The image found at MSN - © Newsdesk Foto: Panthermedia - The beautiful and sexy woman. The promiscuous females, those who had slept with 20 people by their early 20s, are rejected as a friend by another woman. Therefore the rejected women sometimes can feel very bad. Why is that so? Psychologists say that women's reaction described in this case could be evolutionary. The women are simply trying to guard their partners from a threat to their relationship. And the threat is of course that other woman who takes your partner. It does not necessarily have to be so that the partner can be stolen by another woman, but even if that other woman borrows the partner for having sex with him probably can be experienced as a threat to the relationship. A woman wants to keep her  relationship safe and that is why she reacts as she does. The research, carried out by Cornell University developmental psychologists, founds that the results were far less striking when men were surveyed. Researchers found that most men were no more or less likely to be friends  with a peer who had a lot of lovers. The fact mentioned above shows us how the reality is and it is interesting that it is experienced as a part of the evolution. Sadly, many relationships reach their end no mater how strong the evolution is because there always is at least one weak partner who can not resist the temptation.   (The source of some parts of this content is from msn.com and dailymail.co.uk)

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