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Written by: Magazine Team on October 26, 2016.

Healthy lifestyle - here are the 6 things to know

Healthy lifestyle - here are the 6 things to know: How can you avoid being sick? Here are some details that can help you on the way to succeed with that. There are some details that can be important in our lifestyle if we want to keep feeling good. In some periods during the year it is easier to be sick than in others. It depends on what part of the year it is because we can see an increased risk  of being sick in some of them which can be the result of e.g. temperature changes. We are now not analyzing the weather and viruses but we are describing how it can be possible to keep feeling good. How can you avoid being sick? Here are some details that can help you on the way to succeed with the healthy lifestyle: 1. Eat good and keep doing it every day. Avoid junk food as much as you can because your body needs concrete food for better immune defense. 2. Avoid public traffic as much as you can because in e.g. buses and trains you are often surrounded by viruses. Take the bike in fresh air instead. 3. Physical training at least 2-3 times in the week is good. If you e.g. combine bike or running with other small exercises 30 min each time your body and your brain will feel better. 4. Take one vitamin D pill every morning because it can contribute better immune defense. 5. Try to stress less at the work and in other situations because negative stress is bad for the immune defense. 6. Spend some more time in nature. Healthy lifestyle How can you avoid being sick? One of the details that can help you on the way to succeed with that: Spending some more time in nature. We must emphasize one thing so this article does not get misunderstood. We wrote above that you should avoid the public traffic. That maybe can sound opposite to what we use to hear when talking about the environment. In this article we are trying to encourage you to take a bike or walk to and from your work if possible because that saves you from possible viruses in buses and trains. Taking a bike contributes better feeling because you are in the fresh air at the same time as you train your leg muscles.

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