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Written by: Magazine Team on June 14, 2017.

Salute Captain! - As someone said

Salute Captain! - As someone said: Having a boat! You actually do not have to have a boat that requires an own place in some marina. An inflatable rubber boat with electric motor is a very simple solution if you just want to float somewhere on water surface deep in the woods or close to some city beach. Have you ever dreamed about having an own boat? Does that characterize your style of living? Maybe not but what if it is so? Having a boat is absolutely not a same thing as having a car. First of all you need a place in some marina, preferably close to your home. Is that possible to get? If you live in a big city you probably have to wait long time to get some available place for your boat. Maybe you do not have to wait if you buy your boat from someone who already has a place in the marina. We have not investigated this so we can leave it open for discussion in here. Logically it should be so that the new boat owner automatically inherit the place in the marina but since we did not investigate this detail we would be happy to see some discussions about this. Salute Captain! - As someone said Salute Captain! - As someone said - Having a boat! You actually do not have to have a boat that requires an own place in some marina.   Having a boat! On the other hand you actually do not have to have a boat that requires an own place in some marina. You can take the boat with you, to and from the sea where you want to use it. An inflatable rubber boat is a very simple solution if you just want to float somewhere on water surface deep in the woods or close to some city beach. You can e.g. buy one that fits 2-3 persons and can be driven by some electric motor. Very simple and very cool solution! It does not have to be big to give a majestic experience! Salute Captain!

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