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Written by: Magazine Team on January 24, 2018.

Plejmo - let's watch a movie!

Plejmo - let's watch a movie! We can hire and watch a movie withing 48 hours or we can download for more money. When downloading a movie we have it in our computer and we can watch whenever we wish. Movies online is something very popular nowadays. Many people steal movies when downloading them without paying for license or when they use a stolen copy of it. They can do this because there are companies and organizations which allow, stimulate and make it possible to steal movies. However we also have people who do this right. Before in this magazine we mentioned Film2home. Today their name is Plejmo. They offer movies for acceptable prices. We can hire and watch a movie withing 48 hours or we can download for more money. When downloading a movie we have it in our computer and we can watch whenever we wish. For those who do not feel for collecting movies it is preferable to watch them online. It is cheaper and you save memory in your computer. Plejmo - let's watch a movie! Plejmo offers different kind of movies and all users can choose what category they wish. Plejmo also offers newer movies which is of course something good.   Movies can be watched in different qualities which sometimes can be good to choose if it appears to be problems because of your internet connection or computer speed. Plejmo offers different kind of movies and all users can choose what category they wish. Comparing to Netflix, Plejmo offers newer movies which is of course something good. They also add new movies more often than Netflix. One negative thing is that Plejmo does not have cooperation with SAS as Film2home had. The second one is probably that movies sometimes can not be watched in high quality mode because of the Internet speed problems in some cases. But it is possible to choose medium or low quality and they are not so bad as some people think.

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