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Written by: Magazine Team on May 4, 2018.

Interior design

Interior design: Are you someone who enjoys decorating a house or an apartment or any other area? If yes then places like this can be an inspiration source for you. If not then maybe you can get some ideas anyways while sitting there and enjoying your coffee. Inside a great newly opened Espresso House in Copenhagen we discovered a great and fresh interior design. We decided to visit this place and explore its relaxing atmosphere and we noticed how some fresh ideas can make difference. On one side there is a big and wide window area so people can look outside and have an overview of what happens on the street. On another side there is a big wall, an area, decorated with many different details placed on a big book shelf that is hanging there. If you like reading a book or if you prefer working with your laptop then this place can offer you good atmosphere for that. Interior design Interior design: Inside a great newly opened Espresso House in Copenhagen we discovered a great and fresh interior design that can be an inspiration source.   For those who love decorations and design, this one interior design is something that can give inspiration and open new creative thoughts inside us. Are you someone who enjoys decorating a house or an apartment or any other area? If yes then places like this can be an inspiration source for you. If not then maybe you can get some ideas anyways while sitting there and enjoying your coffee. Of course we are not talking about ideas about decoration and design but you also can get some new ideas in something else, e.g. your own projects because the atmosphere in an environment like this can give a positive inspiration in different points of view in our lives.

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