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Written by: A.Beganovic on December 30, 2019.

Making love with Europe

Making love with Europe. Do you believe in Titanic number 2? Every Captain has his own story. My story is this place. 30 years of love, Perna and me.

During July 12 - August 10 2019 our Magazine visited and explored some new parts of well known parts of Europe. The goal was to re-experience the perfection of car trip that we experienced in summer 2018 and some earlier years.

We traveled with Stena Line ferry from Trelleborg in Sweden to Rostock in northern Germany. From Rostock we drove down towards Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Adriatic sea in Croatia. Everything started well as always and a great summer vacation was on its way to be realized.

Stena Line ferry from Trelleborg in Sweden to Rostock in northern Germany

R-lining through Germany

Did you know that Germany cares about all drivers? They respect drivers and let them drive without limits. They also care about the life! "Tipp Tipp Tot" is one way of doing that. More about that you can read at:

Did you know that Germany cares about all drivers?

We saw many similar signs close to the Autobahn. Using those is a preventive way of trying to make all drivers drive slower and more carefully. Since the speed is unlimited on many places on German Autobahns, this way of using signs is a smart attempt to save lives.

Golf 7 R-line simply loves Autobahn. It is created to fly there. Smooth moves from one to another point in 200km/h creates a wonderful feeling that gives every experienced driver a new point of view. That is what we call R-lining.

We loved the freedom and we enjoyed Autobahns, as always. Especially A9, the one between Berlin and Munich.

Staus and ”Stop-and-Go”

How many ”Stau” places can you experiences when driving from Rostock down to Irschenberg in Germany and Salzburg in Austria? In 2019 we have seen many on A9 Autobahn. The longest one was the one outside of Munich. The second one was just close to Greding, north from Ingolstadt in Bayern.

However, German radio stations mentioned those Stop-and-Go situations many times during the 800km trip so we were mentally well prepared.

Germany is building, Germany is making better. According to information on Autobahns we could see that many parts of all work are planned to be done until autumn 2019 or some time in 2020.

In Salzburg we simply had to take a break and sleep over. On Booking.com we took a room at Cool Mama hotel.

Cool Mama in Salzburg - a print screen from their website

Perna 30 years of love!

We also visited Loviste, Orebic and Korcula in Croatia when we were camping in mobile house in camp Perna close to Orebic.

Do you believe in Titanic number 2? Every Captain has his own story. My story is this place. 30 years of love, Perna and me. Great blue water, great Orebic and Korcula. I feel as a part of Adriatic sea.

Do you believe in Titanic number 2? Every Captain has his own story.

30 years ago and this time it was possible to take a boat from Perna to Korcula. Easy and relatively short trip was worth for a day visit of Korcula city.

30 years of love, Perna and me. Great blue water, great Orebic and Korcula. I feel as a part of Adriatic sea.

Wind surfing

This summer was very special. I decided to try wind surfing for beginners. First hour was cool and rewarding but also very exhausting.

How much do you know about different winds?

Southeast and northwest winds called Jugo and Maestral (Sirocco and Mistral) on the Adriatic sea are something that you get information about when you learn wind surfing. It is important to know how to turn back and surf towards the start point.

Wind surfing - The first hour was cool and rewarding but also very exhausting.

The image below shows us how I as a new and fresh surfer discuss with my instructor.

When summer is close to its end and when you feel that all perfect time is over, then you can try to remember the best moments. They will always be there and you will always have an opportunity to create some new next time.

Attersee and Nürnberg

Our trip back home towards beautiful Sweden was successful. We slept over in little Austrian village Sonnberg south from Salzburg.

Day after vi visited Attersee. That is why we chose to drive towards Salzburg and Wien instead of München. It is a beautiful blue lake. The goal was to swim and enjoy together with Austrian people at Freibad Litzlberg am Attersee. It was a great experience!

Aftet swimming we let Google Maps decide our way towards Berlin in Germany. We did that because we did not have plans for München. But huge number of Staus from Austrian/German border via Passau to Regensburg were very exhausting. They probably punished us because we decided not to visit München. After loosing 2h there we chose to sleep over in Nürnberg in Germany.

A9, Berlin and Rostock

Driving smoothly 180km/h is nice but suddenly when it goes over to a Stau because of works on Autobahn it can be very boring. Too boring in some cases.

This summer Germany has too many Staus that destroys enjoyable trip.

The image is taken in a long Stau outside of Berlin.

Finally in Rostock we took a ferry towards Gedser in Denmark. (Last part of the trip before Sweden)

The Hanse Sail festival that we saw in Rostock is the largest maritime festival in Mecklenburg (Germany) and one of the largest in Europe. There are probably 200-250 different traditional sailing ships.

Our Magazine just was in the middle of it. Here are some nice pictures.

Making love with Europe - yes it is a great place and I love it. This reportage is written with love and passion. Every day and every step were great.

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