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Written by: IT Team on January 23, 2020.

SEO - Search phrases and your choice

SEO - Search phrases and your choice. Searching with single words only or searching with random word combination is a little bit dangerous.

Let the search phrases lead you in right direction. What do we mean?

It is not always easy to search for something because we do not really know how to express our question or what we really need. If we have some alternatives to choose between then it can help us to find right information.

Alternative search phrases can actually help us to create own because they can inspire us. We also can see different word combinations in search phrases so maybe we can modify those when creating own and that could hopefully lead us to another, more wanted, result.

The Justfindit.se search engine is trying to use this technique. Searching with single words only or searching with random word combination is a little bit dangerous. The reason for that is that not all words can fit in random word combinations.

Searching with single words only or searching with random word combination is a little bit dangerous.

If you search for e.g. Staubsaugerbeutel billig then you maybe can get bad results if that search phrase does not exist. It is so because those two words maybe prioritize information that is not what you want to see.

By creating defined search phrases, Justfindit.se simply makes it easy for you to find what you actually want to find. Those phrases are somehow connected to the actual content in some article or in other information source.

What decides which result will be on the top?

That is something that depends on different circumstances. There are different ways of selecting and prioritizing data so we are not going in to it in this article. The technique behind that is not available for everyone.

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