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Written by: Magazine Team on March 17, 2020.

Irish coffee - a coffee or a cocktail?

Irish coffee - a coffee or a cocktail? Warm up your dark coffee and add some good whiskey. Enjoy it alone or share it with someone you know.

What does experience say about it? What is the fact about it? There are different types of coffee. This one could be a special one. Why?

Imagine that you want to take a drink, a glas of whiskey. And suddenly you would like to mix it with some coffee. Does it sound strange or is it doable?

It is actually doable and this drink is very popular in Irish pubs. It is very easy to make and it is surely a tasty drink. You can enjoy it alone but you would probably love to share it with someone you know.

How do we make one?

There are recipes for this and here are the steps for achieving a tasty Irish coffee:

  • Warm up your dark coffee
  • Mix it with some (brown) sugar
  • Add little whiskey to it
  • Add some cream at the top (Tastes well also without)
Irish coffee - a coffee or a cocktail?
Irish coffee - make your cocktail with some Grant's whiskey .

If you choose not to add any cream, then you can choose to make this drink with a Latte or Cappuccino from the start. This solution might be easier so if you really want to try it then you can go for it.

Why Irish coffee?

As history tells us, this drink was invented for drinking in cold and dark nights when the weather is bad. The first one Irish coffee was made in 1943 when an airplane to America had to turn back to Ireland because of storm and bad weather that cold night.

In our modern world it can be easy to experience much stress and become tired especially in cold and dark winter time. It does not have to be a storm outside but it could be a good idea to sit and enjoy a cup of hot Irish coffee on a balcony while looking out.

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