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Written by: Magazine Team on June 21, 2020.

Weekend work - how can we win more spare time?

Weekend work - how can we win more spare time? We maybe can split our work day in some parts. Money is not always so important. Spare time might have higher value.

This is a question that is not easy to answer. We must try to look from our available points of view. First of all, probably no one is happy when working weekends if it is not voluntary. Why is it so? Well, during weekends we want to be free. It is our spare time and we want to be absolutely free from everything that has connection to our daily work. (If we are workaholic it is another situation of course, but we can imagine that also workaholics need some kind of break even if they do not really want it.) So, how can we win more spare time during our weekend work?

If we must work weekends sometimes and if we are free to organize our working day then we should be happier than those who do not have same opportunities. Those who have strict rules for their weekend works are unfortunatelly not able to control their working day.

Weekend work - how can we win more spare time?
Weekend work - how can we win more spare time? Spare time might have higher value than some more money.

Flexible working days rules

We can actually analyze our workload and we can plan the day. We can split our work day in two or three parts depending on how much we have to do. If we want to get opportunity to enjoy one part of the day then we can start working early. In that case we can do the first part of our work and then enjoy our break in some hours before we continue later that day. This later part is sometimes interesting. Do we use that opportunity to work more and have less the next day or do we work just that we should so we can try to earn more next day?

Some people think that it is better to work more on Sunday than on Sathurday because they get better payed. Other people prefer rather to get rid of the work faster and they do the most part of work on Sathurday instead of on Sunday. Money is not always so important. Spare time might have higher value than some more money that can be earned during one day.

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