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Written by: A.Beganovic on August 26, 2020.

Double up - let’s enjoy the M-15

Double up - let’s enjoy the M-15. What is M-15? I created a path in the city and I measured it with Google Maps. During the run I had both Strava and Endomondo apps on.

Running is not easy if you actually do not love it. You can choose different sources of inspiration and stimulation but reaching a goal requires love and passion. This sport is a challenge where we compete against ourselves.
As an author and owner of this magazine, I have decided to write a reportage about M-15 run from July 2nd 2020.

M-15 Google Maps
M-15 run manually illustrated in Google Maps just to know what way to run. That is how the idea was born.

What is M-15? M stands for Malmö and 15 is number of kilometers. I created a path in the city and I measured it with Google Maps. It was 15 kilometers so that is how the idea was born. As mentioned in the beginning running is not easy. It requires discipline, patience, training and right shoes.

Shoes and preparation

Normally I used to run with regular sport shoes and I managed different runs, different distances pretty good. In April 25 I did my first 10 km run and that affected my right knee. That was the reason why I decided to by a pair of better running shoes that are good for long distances.

Old and new shoes
Old blue and new black shoes. HOKA are known as good running shoes and I bought them.

Managing different routes such as M-2, M-4, M-5, M-6, M-8 and M-10 was doable so why not M-15? Why should that one not be doable?

M-6 and M-8
M-6 and M-8 runs illustrated in Endomondo app. It is pretty nice when you can see information about different points.

M-6 and M-8 runs were those 2 which I decided to have as my preparing runs before M-15. And they were stimulating. The new shoes contributed much so the pain in the knee was not as it was before. But since their soles are very soft running can be experienced as little bit more difficult than with regular sport shoes. That is how I experience running with new shoes since running time has deteriorated.

On the other side it is all about habit. Probably it takes time to accept new kind of shoes and accommodate the running to it. Continuous training is a requirement if we really want some improvements.

So, what about M-15? Was the run successful?

Running 15 kilometers is not just something we do every day. It is something that must be planned. It requires both time and energy. When I reached my 7 kilomenters point my energy was little bit refilled by positive thoughts. There I met other runners from opposit directions and our eye contact was like a short story. It decribed the relation and understanding between 2 people doing the same thing. I experienced it like as that other person just cheered me on as I was going through my 8th kilometer.

Between 9 km and 10 km it was something special because it reminded me about how much I actually could endure. But later on, from 11 km it was harder than expected. The legs were heavy and running had to be transformed in to fast walking or slow jogging during 30-40 meters at some critical moments. But the body was able to continue and my mental strength stimulated me more and more.

M-15 Between 9 and 10 km
Central part of Malmö city: Between 9 km and 10 km I was feeling great and I simply forgot the tiredness.

Using apps for measuring the distance and getting information about e.g speed at different points helped as tool for stimulation. During the run I had both Strava and Endomondo apps on and they gave good information. Endomondo on the other side was very late with giving me the image of the route. It was a bit disappointing but at the end the image was created and displayed in the app.

So, yes the M-15 run was successful. It took 1h 46min and the feeling was great.

M-15 Strava
M-15 run illustrated in Strava. If we compare it to the manual illustration in Google Maps they are similar.

The conclusion

Can I imagine myself in doing it again? Yes why not? It feels like this kind of run is attracting me more than just some simple short run such as 2-5 kilometers. On the other side I do not plan to get better time result. If it happens that I get faster, fair enough. But the most important in this kind of challenge is that the body gets training and the mental health remains fresh.

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