In modern time we can see how web development technology has changed. We can notice that many websites begin to look similar to each other. Why is it so?
First of all it is not some new fenomena. It has been so before too. We can see that there are still many old websites. A first sign that shows us the old style is that a website does not work properly in mobile devices. It is not responsive. Another one common property is using iframes or frames with goal to improve the experience.
If we go back to our question about the similarity between new websites we can see that those are responsive in mobile devices. Instead of iframes or frames they use javascript for better experience. And many websites also have WordPress as background platform.
WordPress is actually good tool but it might be experienced as limited for use. Not everything is absolutely clear when talking about how to work inside it without being forced to do manual changes in files.
Regardless of if we use WordPress or other CMS or if we program on our own we have many new possibilities comparing to before. Web browsers and programming languages and methods have developed so much so we can create nice and stable websites that fit every computer or mobile device and their different web browsers.
On the other side, when technology develops, the problems also grow. It is easy to experience problems if developers do not really think like a user. That is, if developers create perfect program for websites there will always be problems if users actually do not know how to use something properly.
It will always remain possible to click somewhere or move something just a little bit to create a strange and invisible problem. That means that the developers always will have some new challenges and the websites will always be affected by them and user mistakes.