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Written by: Magazine Team on February 22, 2021.

Paste.pics vs Gyazo - for your screenshots

Paste.pics vs Gyazo - for your screenshots. Why did we choose Paste.pics and Gyazo? What can happen with our short links if we delete images saved on the server?

Using devices like computers and smartphones means sometimes that we need to show something what we have seen on our screen. That is what we call for a screenshot.

Every device has its own method for saving a screenshot as a picture and there are different tools for creating short links for those images online.

We have decided to present 2 of many other tools and we will try to compare them. Why did we choose Paste.pics and Gyazo? We have one reason only and it is creating short links without installing an extra app on the phone.

Paste.pics is very useful because it can upload an image directly in the browser without using an app. That is maybe not so important reason but it makes the use easier.

Paste.pics website on the right side vs Gyazo app on the left side. What would you prefer to use?

Gyazo is also very good and easy to use but in phones it just requires an extra step: uploading an image to the server by using the app.

What can happen with our short links if we delete images saved in the Gyazo app or if we remove them from ”recently used” at Paste.pics website? The simple answer is that the short links disappear. They are dependent on images saved on the Gyazo server or Paste.pics server.

In other words: even though Paste.pics is easier to use, Gyazo seems to be more reliable. It is so because its server has no connection to the browser and therefore we do not risk to delete short links to saved screenshots by mistake if we just click on the button for deleting the images in our browser. Deleting images from the Gyazo server would need an extra step and it is to open the app.

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