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Written by: IT Team on March 26, 2014.

Responsive (Web)Design

You create a website. You look at it on your computer and you think that it looks perfect. Suddenly your friend calls you and says that your website looks horrible when he visits it - on his phone."What is happening?", you wonder. The answer is that you didn't use the right method, that is: Responsive (Web)Design . This method can change your way of thinking. It is not so difficult and it is very useful. If you think about it and use some javascript with alternative css properites you will be able to make your website visible in all available devices. Independent of if you are using iPad, iPhone, Android Tablet, Windows 8 Touch screen or any other mobile device or computer your website will look as you wish. But you have to decide the look and everything will be much better. Sometimes it is not easy to get the whole content in to a small mobile version so you have to compromise and prioritize.
  responsivewebdesign Image source: http://smart-seo.co.za

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