A huge number of people work with this CMS (Content Management System). Many professional developers and programmers are involved in development and improvement of this system.
According to the Internet sources there are millions of people who use WordPress for their websites and blogs. Even though this platform is somehow limited inside wp-admin we must admit that the tool is good. We can use many plugins and different themes but in some situations it is really required to be experienced programmer to be able to do changes. Those changes must be done in the code.
However, many users are very satisfied. That is important to emphasize. And many users become disappointed when their websites have been hacked. That is truly a very hopeless situation.
We wonder how it is possible when so many good programmers and developers are involved in this project. Well, a hacker is not one. A hacker has a need to take something from someone. This kind of person suffers from sadistic desires and will never give up.
Hacking a WordPress site can be done on different ways. Shortly explained, there are methods like using Brute force and malware. The first one is not always successful but it can be dangerous. The second one can be realized by using security holes in WordPress, plugins and themes.
Security holes in WordPress? How can they exist given that so many smart people develop it? If we are realistic we must accept the fact that it is possible that some of those developers are hackers or maybe cooperate with hackers. So, WordPress is unfortunately vulnerable.
Security holes in plugins and themes? Yes they are possible because they can be developed by people who are not involved in WordPress development. The security holes can occur by using old and not improved scripts and functions. They also can be created on purpose. If we decide to use some theme or plugin from unknown or suspect developer then we expose our website to a risk.