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Written by: Magazine Team on May 22, 2021.

Feedback - the voice from your audience

Feedback - the voice from your audience. In this article we want to emphasize the importance of a feedback. Some changes could make something easier to understand in future.

When something is created we always look forward to see if it works. And normally we first test it ourselves. If it does not work as expected then we work on solving the problem. When it finally works as it should we think that it works perfectly. But is that really so?

We have investigated how it works in the real life. What happens when you have created something where some instructions must be followed and your possible users do not understand them?

We have let some regular people with pretty good Internet experience on daily basis to try to create their own account on a specific website. They had to follow four steps only to get an own account. What do you think happened?

Feedback - the voice from your audience. Changes can make something easier. The image is from pixabay.com.

Considering that all persons were experienced Internet user the result appeared to be unsuccessful. The question is why? One of them was stressed when he tested so maybe that distracted him from doing this properly. Another one appeared to be distracted by something else or just did not understand or did not read all instructions.

But the third one succeeded very easily within maybe three minutes. This person did not experience any problem.

The fourth one did not have what was required for fulfilling the registration but she left some feedbacks about possible changes. The instructions were clear but the changes could make them easier to understand for future registrations.

In this article we want to emphasize the importance of a feedback. Those persons who did not succeed in our test left some feedbacks and the website managers will analyze and do the changes. After that we can only hope that the future registrations will work without problems.

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