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Written by: Magazine Team on April 22, 2022.

Bitchy Blend - let’s make a toast!

Bitchy Blend - let’s make a toast! It looks like new opportunities for enjoying something drinkable is just in the front of us. Is this wine just another name for the white wine that we wrote about before?

We are closer and closer to warmer summer days. April is close to its end and it already feels like Friday and Saturday time can be spent outside. It looks like new opportunities for enjoying something drinkable is just in the front of us.

What about some white wine with an attitude? A wine that maybe gives some cruel and rude vibes? Can a wine be that bad or does it sound attractive and maybe even sexy? An appropriate name is sometimes more important than the taste.

This time we decided to try this kind of wine. Its name is Bitchy Blend. How does it sound? It is up to each one of us to interpret the name of this wine how ever we want. Cruel and rude normally sounds like something pretty negative. In this case maybe it creates some opposite feeling.

Bitchy Blend - let’s make a toast! The bottle we bought was nice and looked like something cool and sexy.

The bottle we bought was nice and looked like something cool and sexy. That is actually the reason why we decided to go for it. Interesting name and red lips attracted our attention.

Bitchy Blend is a Hungarian white wine, somehow similar to Fresh and Cool Lollipop which we wrote about before. Now we wanted to buy it again just for good old times but unfortunately it does not seem to be available in Sweden any more. According to a seller in the store Bitchy Blend is just another name for this Fresh and Cool Lolipop which also is from Hungary.

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