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Written by: IT Team on July 9, 2014.

Windows 9 ?

The technology is growing and developing fast nowadays. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and now also Windows 8 is going to be one of the old systems - can that be true? windows9 The image is found on pcforalla.idg.se According to the information found on pcforalla.idg.se someone called Wzor has told that the new version of Windows will be launched within some months and its name will probably be Windows 9.  According pcforalla.idg.se this Russian blogger said similar thing about Windows 8.1 start menu before it was launched so the  probability in this case is pretty high. Anyway, Windows 8 has not been so very successful comparing to Windows XP and Windows 7 so if this Wzor blogger is giving us right information we really hope that Windows 9 is going to be an improvement.

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