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Written by: Magazine Team on October 13, 2022.

Scheiblhofer white wine from Burgenland

Scheiblhofer white wine from Burgenland. We have written about several white wines and this one was different. We can not tell you for sure what food or snacks this wine can fit but let us check it out.

Once upon a time we bought a bottle of wine in Austria. Dark bottle made us believe that the wine was red. After four years we decided to open the bottle and taste it. Guess what? It actually was a white wine.

It was produced in Burgenland and found in Salzburg, Kärnten or Steiermark. We do not remember exactly where but probably on the way towards Salzburg. Burgenland is just close to Hungary and it is one of Austria’s four main wine regions. So, what about the taste of this wine?

We have written about several white wines and this one was different. The taste was kinda bitter. It also looked like champagne in the glass because there were some small bubbles. So, that bitter taste was not so attractive in the start but it was better when we got used to it.

Scheiblhofer white wine from Burgenland. 13% alcohol. You can find more at https://www.scheiblhofer.at .

Opening the bottle was surprisingly interesting because a little white cap just popped up in the air right after the opening. The sound was like the one when opening a champagne bottle. It was a cool little detail for a bottle of wine.

We can not tell you for sure what food or snacks this wine can fit but probably it goes with everything. The area of Burgenland is a place where people probably love to eat good food so it should fit to some great steak. This time we must admit that the taste was not that attractive but each one of us has own taste. Maybe tasting something new can be inspiring so you can give it a try.

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