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Written by: A.Beganovic on July 19, 2014.

Wedding trip or honeymoon - how would you imagine that?

Wedding trip or honeymoon - how would you imagine that? Is it something usual  - something you do like everyone did it before you? Or is it something different that can describe your lifestyle, you and your partner as unique and powerful? ninopetra_wedding Everything started on the coast of the Lake Vättern in Sweden   That is maybe a sign that your marriage begins very well with an perfect and unforgettable adventure. Two happy people, a man and a woman who decided to do something different are two swedes from Stockholm. They actually decided to travel from Stockholm to Malmoe by bike which is around 600 km by car and even longer by bike since the bikes are not allowed on the highway. ninopetracyklarninonino4 nino_petra petra1 The trip started great and as you can see the wonderful heaven gave them great sunshine  - at least in some parts of Sweden.   They have all support by the family and friends who follow their adventure via Facebook. Everyone is curious and wants to see how it goes for them. And the weather seems to be pretty good nowadays which of course make the whole trip better! They have already chosen a lifestyle - Just live it! What can we say, good luck!

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