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Written by: IT Team on May 5, 2023.

Computers, quality and comfort

Computers, quality and comfort. Sometimes the technology development forgets our needs.

The IT technology has developed pretty much. We have several types of devices and several brands. Each one of them has some own properties and that is up to each user to choose the best one. In this case we mean the device that gives the best experience.

In this article we will present a comparison between two laptops. One of them is a HP with aluminium keyboard and the other one is Lenovo with plastic keyboard. Why did we choose those two? The answer is not so difficult. The HP laptop was bought as a private computer for all private needs while Lenovo is the one for business use. Actually it was borrowed from the office.

How can we start the comparison? Why was HP bought instead of Lenovo from the first start? Well, the story has some roots in recognizing HP as reliable from the past. The computer owner felt that he could trust this brand from the first start but also this Laptop was big enough for the planned use. Working with web development is actually better if your screen is big enough.

Lenovo as a brand has not been known for this computer user as long time as HP. That was one of the reasons why it was not chosen. The second one reason was that it was not possible to find a Lenovo laptop with a screen big enough for the needs.

Computers, quality and comfort. HP on left side and Lenovo on the right side.

The comfort

Of course, Lenovo has been known for this computer user as a popular brand so it was actually a possible candidate for private use too. The primary reason for the choice made between HP and Lenovo was the screen size. Bigger size is more comfortable for working with web development.

The experience from the Lenovo laptop has appeared to be very nice and better than expected. A little bit smaller screen than the one on the HP laptop is not a big problem. We actually have to admit that typing on this Lenovo laptop keyboard is very comfortable. It is almost not possible to hear or feel the touch. On the keyboard of the competitor HP it is easier to hear the typing because of the aluminium keyboard.

Sometimes the technology development forgets our need of comfort. Even though we choose what we think is better we might feel that another choice could be better just because we recognize the comfort in it.

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