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Written by: Magazine Team on May 17, 2023.

Justfindit.se Magazine and Scandinavian marathons

Justfindit.se Magazine and Scandinavian marathons. Our final goal is to write and publish a reportage so we hope you will stay tuned and try to follow us.

This year is a little bit special year. We have decided to follow two big Scandinavian marathons by participating there. The one of them is Copenhagen Marathon and the other one is Stockholm Marathon.

By participating we just to want to get some more and real information about those events. That opportunity is perfect for us because it allows us to experience every runner’s feeling. At least we can feel how people on same level as we experience this long run.

The Copenhagen Marathon is now done and we will soon be ready for Stockholm. Let us see how that one will be. We are looking forward to compare those two so we can give you some real story.

Justfindit.se Magazine and Scandinavian marathons. CPH Marathon app screenshot

Our goal is to write and publish a reportage so we hope you will stay tuned and try to follow us. Who knows, our story about those two Scandinavian marathons will inspire us so we can give you more.

However, we must admit that this Copenhagen Marathon has affected us very much. As first time marathon run it was very sensitive. Not enough preparations was done and it was noticeable after reaching the half marathon line. You will read more in our reportage.

What can we expect from Stockholm Marathon? How can we prepare? Right now it is not possible to prepare on some special way because it is short time to this event. After Copenhagen Marathon it is necessary to rest and run two or three runs before Stockholm Marathon but no other longer run can be done because it is important to recover.

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