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Written by: Magazine Team on October 2, 2023.

True Spirit - a true story

True Spirit - a true story. We do not want to reveal too much so it is up to you if you feel for reading. Think about the adventure as something real.

When you notice this movie at Netflix for the first time you will probably feel happy. It is very understandable because the first impression is very attractive. There is a young girl Jessica Watson (Teagan Croft) who wants to be the youngest person ever to sail solo around the world.

It is an adventure where this young girl really shows her passion for her boat and the sailing. Everyone who likes this kind of movies can feel happy because there is something new and interesting to see. True Spirit is based on the real-life story of Jessica Watson and makes the movie more attractive for some people.

The idea of making this movie was great but how successful was the producer? Well let us write some words about that. The young girl Jessica had a dream about sailing around the world without making any stops. She learned to sail thanks to her coach Ben Bryant (Cliff Curtis) . She also had good experience and an own boat.

True Spirit - Jessica on her boat. The screenshot is from YouTube.

Her family and the coach supported her in her decision and helped her with starting the adventure. Everything started well and Jessica was a huge enthusiast from the start. We can see how she really was able to manage the boat and the navigation. She really enjoyed her own trip.

Some last words

Without revealing too much, we want to express our disappointment because the movie actually did not reach our expectations. The producer forgot or did not want to be more realistic in this movie. The young girl was good looking and fresh almost the whole trip. How realistic is that? How can a person keep looking as always in her every day life when she is tired, exhausted and affected by storms and strong sunshine on the open oceans?

The movie can be experienced as inspiring so we can easily recommend it to everyone. Unfortunately we can not guarantee that everyone will like it, especially if you have seen similar but more realistic movies than this one.

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