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Written by: Magazine Team on October 26, 2024.

Time change in Europe

Time change in Europe. Do you belong those who hate this because of the stress, or those who love it because of the longer and lighter days?

Before we go back in time and try to explain this phenomenon, we wonder how many people actually like it. Or, at least, what part of it makes us happier? Also, an important detail in this situation are the animals in the nature. We will try to explain why. A discussion should however be important in this case.

Everything started during the First World War and after being unsuccessful, a new attempt was made during the Second World War. After getting cancelled in the 1950s, a next attempt was made in 1960s. This time, there was an energy crisis and therefore the idea of the time change was accepted. In early 1980s it started in the majority of all countries in Europe. Good online articles: Summer time in Europe and Zeitumstellung 2024.

Now, back to the question: What part of the time change makes us happier? In the spring, our days begin to be longer. We wake up one hour earlier when we change the time and we get longer and lighter days towards the summer. In the autumn it goes in another direction. We can sleep one hour longer when we change the time and we get shorter and darker days towards the end of the year.

Time change in Europe. The image is from pixabay.com.

Well, some people do not like all those changes because they feel stressed. On the other side, there are people who get happier with longer and lighter days. The variations of different feelings are several.

For animals on the other side, the time change can be devastating if they live close to the roads, railways or societies. If they use to go over some road or a railway before the traffic wakes up, everything can turn in to a death zone when the time changes.

Nowadays the governments are talking about stopping this time change and go back as it was before. Well, if it saves the nature and animals, let us accept that decision. Otherwise, who would not like to keep longer and lighter summer days?

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