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Written by: IT Team on December 12, 2014.

Justfindit.se shakes up the search results!

Justfindit.se: We are 7 times better than now and the new version will be online very soon! The database is now optimized and new and fresh data is stored. We have done our best to store the relevant and clear data only. shaking-glass The original image is found on www.dailymail.co.uk As a new user of Justfindit.se search tool, you are able to create new and clear search results for your own website. What you have to do is to create an own account, log in and put some links to your website with some text description from the content. Your website will easily be found in all searches that contain one or more words from your content. The new Justfindit.se is not yet available online but as soon as it is ready it will be a great experience. It is 7 times better than before! You should use it and enjoy it! Comparing to other search engines where your website never is found or where you can find it very difficult, using this tool you will make you website easy to find in some searches for some word from your content. And for your information, this tool has no connection to other search engines.

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