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Written by: IT Team on April 30, 2014.

Nasty SMS Trojan

Phone apps that can be downloaded at Google Play can contain malware which can be bad or even devastating for many phone owners. For example this malware can send your personal details as phone number further to different sms-payment services and that can be very expensive at the end. According to idg.se there are around 60 000 Trojans on Android devices which shows us that Google has not so very good security against these problems. On the other side this is strange because the policy and rules about using the Android device are more strict than for IOS where the number of this Trojans is very low. The bad apps are e.g. receipts for cupcakes or apps that control your training passes. They can be connected to the very famous app Whatsapp and get your phone number and send it to the sms-payment services . That is the sign of lack of security at Google Play. A classic example when a user finds an app that costs a little and a similar app that is for free. That free - one is the dangerous one, specially if it is not from the same publisher. An example of malware is Trojan - SMS.AndroidOS.FakeInst.ef and last year it was popular on the Russian market. Now it has also become popular global. This Trojan appears as video player with pornographic content and it does transactions which can be small at the time and the user will not notice them.   You will probably react if you get some invoice with unexpected high amount to pay.

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