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Written by: A.Beganovic on April 10, 2020.

Web developers - how is their day?

Web developers - how is their day? Creating something is not always that easy. There are different ideas in our head and it is not easy to decide which one is the best one.

As an author and owner of this magazine, I have decided to write a reportage about how it is to work as web developer. Since I also am the owner of a company that works with it I have the great honor to decribe it with my own experince in the real life.

Web design and web development are two almost same but different things. Even if it sounds almost same, web development is more what programmers do. That is, what kind of systems they create, develop and implement while web design sounds more like the work with creating and designing websites only. Normally with some CMS.

Web developer and computer
A web developer programs and writes some CSS code. The image is from pixabay.com

Creating something is not always that easy. There are different ideas in our head and it is not easy to decide which one is the best one. In some situations (if you do not work alone) it is also important to talk about it with colleagues and see if the decision is right.

We must not forget the contact and discussion with our clients. Their opinion is crucial and it can affect our decisions because they are after all those who choose our product or our service. Together we can reach the goal only if we cooperate well. If we do not understand each other then it might give us difficulties during the whole work.

Developers - how is their day?
There are different ideas in our head and it is not easy to decide which one is the best one.

If we have prepared ourselves well then our development can start well. Experiences tell us that different changes during our work are possible so there are also some risks that we maybe must go back some steps to be able to implement new changes.

A regular day

Working as web developer sometimes requires good beginning of the day. That is, we maybe have to take a cup of coffee and breakfast before we start. Reloading batteries each morning can be important for our work and it should be possible to realize after correct and good sleep.

Coffee and computer
We maybe have to take a cup of coffee and water while we work.

Working with web development and programming means that we have to look on the computer screen very long time. We write our code, we write documentations and we make changes as well as we create new results.

Writing documentation
Writing documentation is important and good for the future. The image is from pixabay.com

The documentation is very important to have, especially in some bigger projects. That helps us to go back to some point where some changes were done. Then we can see if something in those changes contributed to problems or not. If that change can be done on some other way we can do that and that can solve problems where we got stuck.

Also if we let someone else take over our projects it is good to have some documentation. The new owner / new programmer would appreciate that very much because it makes it easier to understand the whole structure and content of the project.

Creating a clear and understandable documentation should be very prioritized for our own sake but also for others.

Testing and debugging

Often we have to test something more than one time and in different devices or web browsers to be sure that everything works as expected. We must be able to understand the source or background code and we must know how to customize it so it give us the desired result that fits in to different environments.

Developers - how is their day?
The source code is something that developers must understand when trying to debug or compare something.

At the end we can see that hard work that leads to good solution is worth to do. If everything works as expected from the first beginning then we can get less problems in possible debugging in the future. Correctly written code makes everything much easier and therefore it is important to have it in mind in start phase.

Working as web developer is a responsibility and therefore it is important to have both knowledge and communications skills. On the other side experience makes everything easier if we succeed to achieve it.

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