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Written by: A.Beganovic on May 26, 2014.

Sundsvall, the student city

This city with around 50.000 inhabitants in the central part and around 96.000 inhabitants in the whole Sundsvall municipality is on the Swedish cost arround 400 km north from Stockholm. With car it can take maybe 4 hours to reach this city if you drive from Stockholm.  Flying From Stockholm can take no more than one hour. SUNDSVALL_centrum The picture is from arrivalguides.com. The city is surrounded by two hills, Norra berget and Södra Berget. At Södra berget people can do sports. Winter sports are popular and people can have nice time skiing there since there is much snow from late autumn until april. At the top of Södra Berget there is a hotel with very nice view so it is easy to enjoy being there. sodraberget2sodraberget1 The pictures are from hotelspecials.se and sodraberget.se. There is a very steep road from the city up to the top of this hill. With bike, it is possible to reach the top in up to 45 minutes. With car, no more than 10-15 minutes. Going down with the bike is on the other side a very fast ride! It can take maybe 10 minutes from the top to the bottom of the hill and it can be very dangerous. But is is extremely a wonderful feeling when you after a tough battle from the bottom to the top can literally "fly" downhill. As student you are very welcome to Sundsvall. You can get your own student apartment or student room without any problems comparing to some other cities where students struggle to get their own place. As both young and student you enjoy because the city offers almost everything as other bigger cities as e.g. Stockholm. The university in Sundsvall with its old name Mitthögskolan changed the name to Mid Sweden University  in January 2005. There are more than 7000 full time students and the student life is great. midswedenuniversity1 midswedenuniversity2 The pictures are from cnu.org and from dezhongguoji.com. For both local people and all tourists there is a little island north from Sundsvall city, on the way to the airport, and its name is Alnö. The island is also known as Norrlands Hawaii because they have a nice sandy beach and a pool. During the long light summer days it is possible to enjoy being there although it is a place on the north part of the planet. norrlandsHawaii The picture is from allakartor.se.   One more thing, if you like to visit different festivals then you can do it in Sundsvall too. More about this you can find at e.g. http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatufesten.   If you never had an opportunity to visit Sundsvall then my recommendation is to do it. I am sure that people in Sundsvall are nice and pleasant!  

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