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Written by: A.Beganovic on March 29, 2020.

Andreas Djember - with passion for guitar through the life

Andreas Djember - with passion for guitar through the life. He played at The Baltic Sea Festival and Äggstock festival. His band also played on different events in Blekinge.

As an author and owner of this magazine, I have decided to publish an interview with my dear friend. His name is Andreas Djember and he has always enjoyed playing guitar. And that is not just a simple playing. He plays guitar with a big passion.

You have always loved music. But can you specify what music instrument you always have loved and why?

I have always liked Black Sabbath since I was a kid. So, Tony lommi has influenced me much. It became natural to me to like guitars. I also like other instruments. E.g. I also played some drums when I was young.

When did you understand that you want to play guitar?

I got my first guitar when I was 12 or 13. It was an old guitar called Duke. It was a very bad one so I was not so inspired to practice playing by playing that guitar. The real inspiration came first time when I bought my father's Epiphone by Gibson, a copy of telecaster.

You mentioned a youth club in Karlshamn before. What role did that play in your life as guitarist?

The youth club meant very much to me. It was a place where I met many good people, such as you. We all had different skills in playing music and wanted to participate in playing in music rehearsal space at that youth club.

At the end we found eachother and created a cover band. We played Nirvana songs very much.

At Upper Secondary School you chose music as your orientation. How much did your musical skills developed there?

When I started at Väggakolan in Karlshamn it was something great for me. But I ended up among snobbish people in chinos so I was some kind of a subject for harassment because I was not like them.

They harassed me so much so I was not able to give everything I could for that education. The harassment was so horrible so I begun to truant very much from my lessons. It was not so happy period as I was hoping.

Did you have opportunities to play in a band at that time and later?

Yes, later in my life we started a band but I was so "harmed" by all harassment and did not play guitar in 9 years. But the desire came back again and I created a band with my closest friends. We played much together and I was the composer. I wrote much music and we played it together afterwards. We played so together in around 5 years in different sets.

Close to where you live there are Östersjöfestivalen (The Baltic Sea Festival) and Rockfestivalen (Sweden Rock Festival). Have you played guitar there and how was that in that case?

Yes, when I was young the Sweden Rock Festival had a demo scene where we could play. It did not work as we expected because we had problems with tuning guitars. We slept over there in our tents so the guitars were exposed to temperature differences.

Andreas Djember - with passion for guitar through the life
Andreas Djember - with passion for guitar through the life

Have you played on other events or festivals? Do you remember any good and/or bad detail from that period? What in that case?

Later in the life we were in a music contest where 2 bands could win a tour to Russia, Kaliningrad. Our band won the contest so we got a 9 days tour in Kaliningrad. It was very nice.

It was extra nice in Russia. A girl came to me and wanted my email address when we finished our playing, but I did not have any computer at that time and that was a little bit embarrassing.

We played at The Baltic Sea Festival and Äggstock festival. After that we actually played on different events in Blekinge.

Yeah, as I said before, Sweden Rock Festival was not so fun. It was very embarrassing when we did not succeed to tune our guitars.

You have not played in 10 years now. Is there any special reason for that?

That is true, It is now almost 11 years since I played last time. I was simply exhausted so I stopped practicing and playing guitar. We also ended with the band.

If you got a guitar from me now, what song would you start playing?

What song I would play? Ha ha, oh yeah. It would probably be something from Nirvana .

And at the end I just want to express how grateful I am to get the opportunity to publish this interview.

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