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Written by: Magazine Team on June 27, 2020.

Hungarian Lollipop and Lili Marleen

Hungarian Lollipop and Lili Marleen. Depending on what each one of us prefers to drink the choice is personal. It is same with music we choose to listen while enjoying the drink.

Swedish summer, good music, drinks, long light days and what more? We actually have given a chance to two wine types to show how good they are for cosy evenings. One of them is Fresh and Cool Lollipop from Hungary. It is a white wine and has 12,5% alcohol. It fits for four glasses of wine. The second one is Eins Zwei Zero alcohol free wine from Germany. This one is a red wine.

What about the taste? We explored the taste. If we begin with the Lollipop we must say that the taste was and is very good. It has some exotic fresh fruit taste that maybe reminds about mix of cider, juice of apples and other fruits. The German one on the other side was not so successful. It tasted good but somehow the taste was little bit boring, something like taste of Martini Asti. Asti is of course not bad but the exotic details are missing.

Hungarian Lollipop and Lili Marleen
Fresh and Cool Hungarian Lollipop from Mór region west from Budapest.

Now, depending on what each one of us prefers to drink the choice is personal. It is same with music we choose to listen while enjoying the drink. Someone maybe wants to relax to Swedish Per Gessle, someone prefers Toni Braxton but we also have those who toast to Lili Marleen.

However this time we can recommend everyone who did not taste the Fresh and Cool Lollipop from Hungary to do it. The taste will not disappoint you and its price is low enough if you are not happy at the end. We are sure that we will experience it again though.

Our ability to choose some good wine and some good music will always be our own way to perfection while enjoying a cosy summer evening.

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