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Written by: Magazine Team on July 7, 2014.

SAS and responsive web design

Wow! The SAS website has got a new an fresh updated look. The same functions are still there but talking about responsive web design - here it is now! Some days ago they had an old website and visitors could only wonder why no one cares about it. sas The screenshot shows how their website looks now. When you visit sas.se on your mobile device you will be redirected to a flysas.com website where you also can be recommended to install their app instead. The Swedish version of their website is on the sas.se address but e.g. the English version of it is on flysas.com. What can you do on their website? The best way of finding out is to visit the website and take a look. If you are their customer and/or registered user of their website, then you also can log in to your private pages where you can e.g. can see how many EuroBonus points you have collected. You can also find the link to online shops where you can earn these EuroBonus points by shopping online. Bugs and support? Some bugs have been discovered by trying to earn SAS EuroBonus points via Online shopping. In one specific case the SAS support has not helped the customer/user to get those points retroactive but at the same time the points have successfully become registered by e.g. watching online movies at film2home.se and of course by flying with SAS and some of their partners. You can contact SAS by calling them or chatting online with their support but if you are having some support issues via email then you need to have very much patience because theirs support has proven that it is not easy to get help when it is needed.

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