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Written by: Magazine Team on September 1, 2022.

Summer is ending its story

Summer is ending its story. The summer story always has its end. When is it? Well sometimes it is enough to look up towards the sky and feel it.

Every day and every year we think about the best part of the year. It is not for sure that all people thinks so but summer appears to be the best season. Why is it so do you think?

At least north from equator days get longer as we reach the spring and the summer. Especially in the northern parts the days are very long during the summer time. And if we combine the duration with the temperature we can easily say that this season is the best part of the year.

Can we do everything we plan to do in summer? Do we succeed with everything? This question is pretty difficult to answer on but we can say that it depends on the human factor and the weather. Not everything is doable when the weather is windy, rainy and wet. And it is the same when it is too hot.

Summer is ending its story. The combination of clouds and dark light from late sunshine can tell us that the summer is over.

The summer story always has its end. When is it? Well sometimes it is enough to look up towards the sky and feel it. The combination of clouds and dark light from late sunshine can tell us that the summer is over. Regardless if we accept it or not the inner feeling gives us the answer we search for.

A traveling season in summer might be over for the year but there are always coming seasons to look forward. Winter time can offer many great opportunities so It is not end of the world when summer is ending its story.

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