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Written by: Magazine Team on May 29, 2023.

Train problems in Sweden

Train problems in Sweden. Do you recognize expressions like signal failure, vehicle failure and track exchange failure? Well let's read the article!

Just imagine a well developed society. If not the best one, then at least one of the best ones. What is happening there? Well, people work and pay taxes and contribute to building up the society and infrastructure.

In many cases people need some kind of transport to and from the work. Instead of car they choose to take a bus or train or maybe even a bike regardless what the reason is. And all those options work very well. They are a perfect replacement for the car.

We just mentioned a train. How does it work in Sweden? It is normal that trains break sometimes, just like anything else. In Sweden, that is actually a fenomena which is not easy to believe. The train transport very often experiences problems. We are not talking about small and short problems. It is big problems that affect the whole train schedule and all travellers lives.

Skånetrafiken trains and technical problems
Train problems in Sweden. The train station in Hyllie. The image is from our archive.

Very often we can see reported problems such as: signal failure, vehicle failure, track exchange failure, fallen wire, unauthorized on the tracks and also weather problems such as some centimeters of snow. On top of it all the traffic apps do not give real time updates.

It can easily happen that you come to the platform and suddenly see information about delayed trains even though there were no information in the app ten minutes earlier. That scenario might not be a result of delayed updates but how likely is it that it happens almost every time?

Well, the train problems sucks if we express it in daily language but it is so sad to see how Sweden allows this to happen. The country is rich and has both money and educated engineers but it does not help. Something is very wrong and unfortunately this magazine article can not give you an explanation why those train problems still remain and probably will do so in future.

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