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Written by: Magazine Team on January 16, 2015.

Begaforum.com - what went wrong?

Suddenly we saw that something is going on. Something positive was on its way, one of the developers said, we just begun to think creative and try to put in some new functions.
The goal was to create an usable online forum. Somehow the forum got some registered users and also some anonymous users. For the beginning that was a great experience for the forum developers. That was a stimulation to go further on with the developing. - Suddenly we saw that something is going on. Something positive was on its way, one of the developers said, we just begun to think creative and try to put in some new functions. begaforum_crashes - This forum had to end and with some new inspiration it will be published again but in another form. Unfortunately, everything changed. Everything remained just a hope. The forum stopped growing. The number of competitors in the similar area was/is too big and it seems to be hard to move further with this project. - We realized that Begaforum.com was not so successful and we simply decided to stop the project. On the other side, we are going to make a new version of it. The developers got a new idea. This forum had to end and with some new inspiration it will be published again but in another form. January 16, the project called Begaforum.com died.

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