Justfindit.se Magazine

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Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on May 23, 2024.
40 articles left until…but first a break
40 articles left until…but first a break. Let us write, publish and love every written word, but try also to inspire us by reading. Our magazine is a place where you can read independent article[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Posted on February 5, 2024.
Justfindit.se and Facebook
Justfindit.se and Facebook. Sometimes when you notice that something does not give results, you actually realize that you do not need it anymore. This article is a little bit different from others[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on December 31, 2023.
The annual look back 2023 - what was published?
The annual look back 2023 - what was published? Among many different articles, we have published some about big events in the World and an article about a taste of paradise. The annual look back 2[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on June 16, 2023.
An article about what?
An article about what? How can we start with a good story and what is a successful start? We want to write a little about it so you can take the chance and read now. Writing is cool and nice when [...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se The World Lifestyle 
Posted on May 17, 2023.
Justfindit.se Magazine and Scandinavian marathons
Justfindit.se Magazine and Scandinavian marathons. Our final goal is to write and publish a reportage so we hope you will stay tuned and try to follow us. This year is a little bit special year. W[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on December 30, 2022.
The annual look back 2022 - what was published?
The annual look back 2022 - what was published? We have tried to write about everything that could fit any reader, just like before. Do you remember anything specific? Almost 365 days have gone. T[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se Internet IT Websites 
Posted on December 12, 2022.
New look but same magazine!
New look but same magazine! In November 2022 we made a change. It should be visible but we will present it here for you. Have you been following us through all years? Maybe you can remember our fi[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se Internet IT 
Posted on April 28, 2022.
Google Review vs Justfindit.se Review
Google Review vs Justfindit.se Review. Sometimes the search phrases that we hope will give us a specific result are mentioned in other articles or website contents so they surprise us with something[...]
Written by: IT Team
Justfindit.se Internet IT 
Posted on February 28, 2022.
Justfindit.se attracts, grows and thinks
Justfindit.se attracts, grows and thinks. You maybe wonder why do we think so? Well the type of searches and places they come from are a perfect sign for that. The title of this article hopefully [...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on December 30, 2021.
The annual look back 2021 - what was published?
The annual look back 2021 - what was published? We have tried to write about everything that could fit any reader. Do you remember anything specific? Our loved magazine has presented many article[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
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