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Written by: A.Beganovic on January 14, 2016.

Criminal gangs in Malmoe

Around 5 years ago it happened to me. Since that period it has happened to some other people. And this day it happened again. January 13 2016. I was on the usual train trip between Malmoe in Sweden and Copenhagen in Denmark. At the airport station in Denmark I heard the following dialogue between a passenger and the conductor:
The passenger: Excuse me sir, someone took my bag from the overhead rack above me. The conductor: Sorry to hear that. The passenger: Is there any chance to check the cameras on the train? The conductor: You should contact the police so they can make a report.
And so on... It reminded me on the helpless and frustrating situation that I experienced. oresundstrain The image found at www.expressen.se  describes the prefect place for the criminal gangs in Malmoe. Around 5 years ago it happened to me. In my case, nothing happened. The Swedish police in Malmoe city closed the case almost directly. Since that period the similar thing has happened to some other people. And this day, January 13 2016,  it happened again. It was and it is obvious that we have a criminal gang that operates on the trains. With highest probability they operate between the Malmoe central station and the Malmoe Triangel station. oresundsTrain_2 The image found at sv.wikipedia.org and modified with the text that describes the prefect place for the criminal gangs who take your bag from you. Why that conclusion? It is because the distance is very short and the train arrives to the Triangel station very fast. Then they can leave the station and no one can catch them. The cameras on the stations and in the trains do not seem to scare this bandits. After all, they still operate on the same way, in the same train and on the same train route. What are the cameras for? Good question. In my case the cameras were not used to help even though I had the names of the stations and the time/date. Maybe some kind of decoration, who knows? What will happen in the case of the passenger who suffered this time? Does he have any chances to get the right help from the Swedish police? I do not know but I wish him a very good luck because I know how it feels when the bandits take something from you and I really hope that some day this kind of criminal gangs will be removed from the trains.

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