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Written by: Magazine Team on June 3, 2016.

Summer - simply love it!

Summer - simply love it! Ride the bike and feel the freedom! Take a drink, enjoy the hot weather. Comparing to the rest of Europe, especially the southern parts, this weather is unusual for Sweden. Early summer in Sweden. Sunshine and hot days. From the south to the north - the same weather. Comparing to the rest of Europe, especially the southern parts, this weather is unusual for Sweden. However it is great. It is just perfect to go out end enjoy it. It does not have to be difficult or complicated. Living close to the beautiful green nature can be very stimulating and motivating for every new day. If you do not live close to some nice nature then you easily can find some. summer in sweden Early morning - when you wake up and see this beautiful nature in the front of you, you should be motivated to enjoy. From the early morning to the late afternoon and the rest of the day it is simply easy to keep enjoying. Go out and read a book laying on the beach or in the grass. Or take the bike and go for it. Ride the bike through the whole city or to some place outside of it. Feel the freedom! summer in sweden Feel the freedom on your bike! Let the speed carry you forwards and love your summer! If you do not take the opportunity and enjoy in the beautiful hot weather in Sweden than it probably can be too late one day when you wake up and feel and hear the rain on the window. Actually if we connect to the earlier magazine article about cocktails we also can recommend some good cold drink decorated with some cool ice cubes. It is easy to do it and it is easy drink it outside if you feel for it. Love summer!

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