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Written by: A.Beganovic on December 7, 2016.

Lola rennt - experience Lola's running world

Lola rennt - experience Lola's running world: Very interesting movie about a German young woman who was running whole time. The important thing is that I want to point at the similarity between Lola's running and my daily running.  Once upon a time I saw a German movie called Lola rennt. Very interesting movie about a German young woman who was running whole time. The reason for that was that she was trying to save her boyfriend. I can not give more detailed description because I do not really remember the movie. The important thing is that I want to point at the similarity between Lola's running and my daily running. Me and thousands other people are heavy affected by Swedish government who has decided to put us all under a high pressure. A pressure until we become so exhausted so we decide to give up our lives. The government in Stockholm still has no clue how it is to be a human being who travels between Sweden and Denmark on daily basis. Lola rennt - experience Lola's running world The images is found at ellyinwonderland.wordpress.com. Experience Lola's running world . Thank you Stockholm regime!
Run! Change the train! Run! Show you ID! Survive or give up the life! Thank you Stockholm regime for putting me into the Lola's running world!
As it usually is, the politicians do not care about other people. So, we have to fight for surviving this horrible harassment. We have to look in to a future where everything hopefully will be the normal again.
Will it be normal again?
I can recommend you to watch the movie because it is very exciting and interesting. At the same time you can try to imagine how it is to be running whole time during a day. Try to picture it how it can be when you are forced to run every day as people living in Sweden and working in Denmark or vice versa are doing.

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