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Written by: IT Team on July 18, 2017.

Charset - annoying mess in the database

Charset - annoying mess in the database:Working with charsets is source of a very know problem in web development.  The combination of good web development and using right tool or Language module can save your day because you do not have to do all changes manually in your files.  Working with charsets is source of a very know problem in web development. We know that the special chars as e.g. Scandinavian letters åäö can appear wrongly on websites if charset settings in source code or database is not correct. Sometimes, even if you program on the right way, when your web host chooses to do some changes in the database it can be devastating for your web content. In this case, the Language module that was described before in this magazine, https://justfindit.se/magazine/?p=1159, actually can help in solving this kind of problems. This module is constructed so that it stores all data as UTF-8 in the database. Therefore reading all special chars can be correct both in the module and website that uses it. Charset - annoying mess in the database The image shows us how it can look when your content gets problems with charset. But this can be managed and fixed if you use the Language module.   We discovered that some users of CV tool created by Begacom IT Business had those problems with Swedish letters. Luckily they could be repaired by editing and saving the data in the admin part of this CV tool. And since the Language module is a part of this CV tool, all defected letters could be repaired by editing and saving. So the combination of good web development and using right tool or Language module can save your day because you do not have to do all changes manually in your files. You can manage them very fast in your admin UI ( User Interface).    

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