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Written by: Magazine Team on February 4, 2023.

The shallows

The shallows. Nice summer weather with light blue southern sea in Mexico. What happened on that wonderful beach?

A young woman Nancy visited Mexico with her friend. Their plan was to go for surfing on waves together. But at the end she visited the beach alone because her friend had hangover. Actually Nancy wanted to visit the beach where her mother was surfing.

The name of the beach was secret. She asked the driver who drove her there and she asked two other surfers about the name of the beach but they did not reveal it. They wanted to keep it secret to avoid many tourists there.

What happened on that beach? What was Nancy's experience? The start of this movie is a very attractive one. Nice summer weather with light blue southern sea. Vacation in Mexico is probably something great.

Nancy transformed her elegant walk in sand with her surfboard to a jump in to the light blue sea. She appeared to be an excellent surfer who knew how to manage the huge and strong waves. By diving in in front of them and diving out behind them she avoided to be smashed by a huge and powerful waves.

The shallows. Exhausted Nancy and stubborn white shark. The screenshot is from YouTube.

Some last words

The story in this movie is well prepared. It is something that can happen in reality but in this case it was exaggerated. Nancy's surfing adventure turned in to a hell when she got attacked by a huge white shark after she was left alone on the beach.

The shark attack was realistic but the further story development in this movie looked more like a science fiction than something real. Details that might have destroyed the whole idea of this movie are: Almost impossible strength of injured and exhausted Nancy and incredibly stubborn and intelligent white shark that does not give up.

However, if you want to experience some nice and inspiring start of this movie you should watch it. You can give it a chance especially if you dream about some similar vacation or adventure.

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