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Written by: Magazine Team on May 5, 2024.

Swedish spring time

Swedish spring time. Can we ever trust the weather forecast in Sweden or do we have to have our plans ready for the first nice weather we experience when we wake up?

This year, last year and two years ago seem to be three very different years. Beautiful and pleasant or warm weather in southern Sweden is something very unpredictable. It is like playing games in a casino and hoping for better times. Well, two years ago we published a great article about barbeque.

The spring time was on its good way to be established and it served a very good weather already from the start. March 21st is the day when the spring starts and two years ago we had our first and successful barbeque during the last weekend in March.

Last year it was probably something in between this year and two years ago. However, it offered probably better weather than this year. The weather this year has been very disappointing. The winter was bad with not so much snow and the spring has been delayed.

Swedish spring time. One of some last sunsets in April in southern Sweden.

It is first around the end of April we could feel some changes. The nature has transformed in to the great spring colors and birds have started their mating season. We simply noticed how the life is coming back to us after a dark, long and prolonged winter time.

Around 1-2 weeks ago the capital city Stockholm experienced snow. However it is around 600 km north-east from the most southern parts of Sweden but this spring time seems to be delayed also there. We do not know if we can connect those weather deviations to the so-called climate changes or not, but they are very annoying.

Let us hope that the summer time and the next winter will give us more of itself.

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