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Written by: Magazine Team on November 1, 2024.

10 years of Justfindit.se Magazine

10 years of Justfindit.se Magazine and 10 years of different adventures. We create interesting content and that is why we sometimes need inspiration.

We remember the day we decided to start writing and publishing articles. Our first article was called The history about Justfindit.se and it was published in March 2014. This year our magazine is 10 years old. Well, who can tell us about the feeling? What was the first article about?

Since this magazine is a part of the search engine Justfindit.se, our first article was about that. The goal with the search engine was to achieve something new, and something bigger. Partly, the goal has been challenging and it is still possible. However, what has this magazine achieved in a period of 10 years?

As we explained in one of our earlier articles, we have different categories and all of them have some own or shared articles. Some articles actually belong to more than one category so it is just great to find them in several categories. Our goal is to create interesting content and that is why we sometimes need a new inspiration. The Justfindit.se Magazine is a place where you can read independent articles. They are mostly influenced or inspired by some real experiences or situations that have attracted our attention.

10 years of Justfindit.se Magazine. 10 years of different adventures.

Articles and our own way forward

Articles about science, travel, lifestyle, cocktails & wine and much more are a sign of our creativity. We have published real reportages and one of them is the one about a big international event: Copenhagen Marathon vs Stockholm Marathon 2023. Another one belongs to articles with more scientific content: Three-body system and life in Universe.

Unfortunately we can not mention all articles in this article but we want to emphasize that the idea of creating a magazine has been successful. We exist and we are close to 500 articles in total. The only thing that should be improved is the look. We have to do some inviting changes in that field.

At the end, we can encourage you to read and discover more. We really have some great articles and we are proud of them. This magazine will continue growing and invites you to get knowing it. We are against brainwashing and ugly political journalism, so that is why we are keeping our own way forward.

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