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Written by: Magazine Team on December 1, 2024.

20 articles left and now December

20 articles left and now December with Christmas and New Year's Eve. Are our feelings in December connected to our flowing vital energy?

What does this month give us? How can December surprise us? Last year we started this month with our article about QI - Flowing vital energy where we mentioned balance, deficiency, and excess. This year we start with an article that seems to be similar to another one. That one was published in May 23. So, look for it if you are curious.

December can give us much but it can also make us disappointed. For some people, the darkness is one of the several reasons for why December creates negative feelings. On the other side, for people who like snow and winter sports can be more disappointing if there is no snow. Normally, this month should be a snow time month.

20 articles left and now December and winter. The image is from pixabay.com.

The snow can contribute to a nicer Christmas and New Year's Eve. It makes the dark December lighter. Can it be so that this dark, cold and wet month plays with our feelings? For some people it generates good feelings as the result of a good balance and for some people bad feelings as the result of an excess. That is what the article about QI was about. With snow, some people experience the balance and some people experience the excess of the bad feelings. Without snow it will be the other way around.

Suddenly we have forgot the subject in this article. What do we mean with: 20 articles left? Well, in the article from May 23 we mentioned how many articles we have left until we reach 500 articles in this magazine. Now we have 20 articles left only. That is also why we now need a shorter break. Enjoy your December!

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