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Written by: IT Team on November 9, 2016.

Innovation and development

Innovation and development:  Can an idea be realized in a short time? Can it be managed within 24 hours from the first thought to the absolute realization? The creative and innovative ideas and development is something that we as developers are looking forward! Can an idea be realized in a short time? Can it be managed within 24 hours from the first thought to the absolute realization? Actually there are possible ways to get something done within some short time.  The Swedish company Begacom IT Business has had some plans and one of them is on its way be published. What we are talking about is a search plugin for WordPress.  The goal is to make any search more like a part of the website than as a plugin even though the tool actually is a plugin. Innovation and development The image is found at www.challengy.com.The creative and innovative ideas and development is something that we as developers are looking forward! What about it? The plugin is actually just a little search tool that searches through the whole content and presents its result as clickable links to the right place in the content. It is not a crawler and it uses the WordPress own database. As the owner of Begacom IT Business explaines to us:
Technically this plugin is very easy to build and it also gives us opportunity to create an adequate tool for other types of websites so WordPress is not the only one.
Earlier, the company developed the Chat In plugin which also is used in this magazine. With the similar intention, as mentioned above, also this one plugin is on the way to be possible to use in other websites and not in WordPress only. The creative and innovative ideas and development is something that we as developers are looking forward!

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