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Written by: Magazine Team on February 7, 2017.

Media and propaganda

Media and propaganda: Let's just take a look at all news about e.g. elections in USA. What can we hear from different medias? Propagating news on wrong way is dangerous and bad. So, let the time show us if medias today are honest with propagating their news. Something that can be useful is media and communication. But is it so that media can be used on wrong way just for propagating some special kind of news and create chaos?  That is true, different known medias can affect people and their opinion. Let's just take a look at all news about e.g. elections in USA. What can we hear from different medias? The new American president is bad guy as we can hear on almost all medias. What can we expect to happen when we hear negative news only? Smart people do not care about several kind of news and even if they do, they can not change anything. They just do not let medias affect them. Other people are affected by medias and can develop many different ways of analyzing the news. media and propaganda The image is found at: www.dailydot.com . Is it so that media can be used  just for propagating some special kind of news and create chaos? The American president maybe sounds as a bad leader for some people looking from different points of view but he maybe is good! He maybe does not want war and he maybe loves good economy instead. So why do medias create a bad guy in this case? Why other West European politicians also react negatively? Maybe it is all about money and power. Maybe medias do not dare to be more objective than they look like they are today. He is a new and fresh president and instead of describing him as they do, medias and politicians should give him more time and let us, other people, get know this new president better before we hear this or that on all news. Propagating news on wrong way is dangerous and bad. It is as bad as convincing Mexico about that they have to pay the wall between them and USA even though Mexico is not building it. So, let the time show us if medias today are honest with propagating their news.

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