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Written by: Magazine Team on December 8, 2017.

Media engineering & journalism

Media engineering & journalism: Today we can see almost unlimited numbers of blogs,websites, communities and social medias where people publish their thoughts, ideas, feelings or other kind of information. Expressing thoughts and ideas or being a part of some discussion appears to be our way of showing that we need to be and feel visible and heard. During last 15 years very much has been changed. Many people use Internet so much that their existence is dependent of it. Living and working online has become a part of our lives. Engineers and (web) developers for instance have created and developed many tools for online use. There are different apps, CRM and CMS tools that many of us use both in business and in private lives. Journalism is not only visible/heard in papers, TV and radio any more. Anyone can publish journalistic content online visible for all of us. Today we can see almost unlimited numbers of blogs,websites, communities and social medias where people publish their thoughts, ideas, feelings or other kind of information. Some information is correct but there are also sources with false information which can be dangerous if readers accept it. Media engineering & journalism Image found at targetjobs.co.uk/marketing-and-media . Today we can see almost unlimited numbers of blogs, websites, communities and social medias.   The development goes fast but it does not mean that we have better products than before. Who decides what is right and what is better today when our online existence is in danger more than before? Surrounded by hackers and other types of criminal gangs online, we actually do not see difference between good and bad or right and wrong anymore. Internet is open and has more security holes than ever. Websites and web apps are slow and generate unclear errors when they do not work and responsible developers or technical supportersĀ  only can say:
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  But are they able to fix those problems or prevent them? It depends on how we look at it. Maybe some solutions are good but some of them simply can generate some new problems instead. And it continues like that. Day after day. Problems like hacked and / or slow systems that disturb our online existence is something normal today. Fraud in form of spam is also a huge problem today. People get emails with interesting content, click on the links in the content and suddenly they get viruses that can be used for stealing usernames and passwords. In e.g. Facebook we get new friend invitations from fake users that can give us problems if we accept their invitations. So we simply have to be careful and smart Internet users.    

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